Can You Put the Puzzle Together?

Source: Henk from

Quick story for you:
One evening, a young boy hopped up on his father’s lap and whispered: “Dad, we don’t spend enough time together.”

The father, who dearly loved his son, knew in his heart this was true and replied: “You’re right, buddy, and I’m so sorry. But I promise I’ll make it up to you. Tomorrow is Saturday, why don’t we spend the entire day together? Just you and me.”

It was a plan. The boy went to bed that night with a big smile on his face. He was already picturing the day ahead, excited about all the possible adventures he might have with his Pops.

The next morning the father rose earlier than usual. He wanted to make sure he could still enjoy his ritual cup of coffee with the morning paper before his son awoke – all wound up and ready to go.

Lost in thought reading the business section, he was caught by surprise when suddenly his son pulled the newspaper down and shouted: “Dad, I’m up. Let’s play!”

The father was thrilled to see his son and eager to start the day together. But he still felt a little guilty, because he craved just a little more time to finish his morning routine. So he quickly racked his brain and hit upon a promising idea:
He grabbed his son, gave him a huge hug, and announced that their first game would be to put a puzzle together: “When we’ve got that done, we’ll head outside to play for the rest of the day.”

Earlier he had come across a full-page ad with a picture of the world. So he took the page, tore it into little pieces, and spread them out on the table. Then he found some tape for his son and said: “Show me how fast you can put this puzzle together.”

The boy dove right in… while his father, confident that he had now bought himself some extra time, buried himself back in his paper. Within minutes, the boy once again yanked down his father’s newspaper and proudly announced: “Dad, I’m done!”

“You gotta be kidding me,” the father replied… He couldn’t believe it… But lo and behold: What lay right there in front of him… whole, intact, and complete… was the picture of the world – all back together as it was in the ad. Not one piece out of place.

So he asked the kid: “How in the world did you do that so fast?”

The boy was beaming now: “It was easy, Dad. I couldn’t do it at first and I started to give up. It was so hard. But then I dropped a piece on the floor. And because it’s a glass-top table, when I looked up I saw that there was a picture of a man on the other side. That gave me an idea – when I put the picture of the man together, the picture of the world also fell into place.”

So here’s my point with this story…:The son had hit upon a simple and mor straightforward approach to solving a complex puzzle.

 And with that, he cracked a deeper code: 

Sometimes all you need is a new perspective.

In fact:

Just a slightly different vantage point can give you a whole new grip on seemingly insurmountable challenges…

 And what used to be hard quickly becomes easy and starts flowing.

World in the Palm of Your Hand

Whatever you think is holding you back might, in fact, be so small
that just a tiny shift in perspective can radically turn things around for you. 

ALWAYS remember, NOBODY else controls your WORLD your SPACE, your BODY,
or your WELL-BEING but YOU! YOU are the world and the world is in YOU.

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