Wellness Get Away Day – October 21
Date(s) - 10/21/2017
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Health Naturally - Bay City
Your day of relaxation will include:
- continental breakfast, lunch, and dessert
- massage
- foot detoxification
- vitamin & mineral evaluation
- hot house infrared spa and body vibe sessions
- natural health education class
Get Away for the Day Fee: $150.00 per person
Reserve your spot below or call Health Naturally at 989-684-9701.
Your reservation(s) are confirmed and reserved upon payment. Staff will take reservations up to and including the day of the event until the booking limit of eight persons is reached. Your payment for all spaces you reserve/book are due no later than 72 hours prior to the event.
Please note:
Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please register and make payment early to reserve your spot.
Due to the nature of this event, cancelations will not be accepted unless your reserved slots can be filled by others on our waiting list. Health Naturally pays for staffing based on the number of slots/services scheduled for the day. Please insure you will be able to attend prior to registration.