Try Mind Fit at the Bay City Office

Ask us about our new MindFit! Program!

The Benefits of Self-Mastery Technology
Can Be Virtually Limitless

Eliminate BAD Habits
Install Healthy New Habits

MindFit headset

Four Technologies in One Life-Changing Device!

Light Frequencies
Flashing light patterns train you to operate in the best mode for creativity, focus, and mindfulness. This form of entrainment can transform the listener into a mental powerhouse with the right mindset to accomplish just about anything.

Binaural Beats MP3
Imbedded tones guide you into states of deep relaxation. Within minutes you can reache extraordinary levels of focus and performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve. (SMT)
SMT helps listeners create a new self-image as a healthy, happy, optimistic person who no longer lets small things turn into stress. SMT makes sure listeners are focusing on everything they want out of life so they can have it, effortlessly!

Mind Relaxing Music
The music on every process is designed to create a full 360 degree experience that floods the mind with beautiful, serene thoughts and images.

With Nearly 600 Titles in 59 Categories,
There’s Something for Everyone!


MindFit Visor

The visor is equipped with soothing blue lights that pulse at frequencies know for brain balance and profound relaxation. All you do is close your eyes and relax. In minutes you’ll feel as if you’ve landed on Cloud 9! After the session, our brain will be recharged so you are ready to seize the day!


  1. Sales Mastery Series
  2. Life Mastery Series
  3. iCan


  1. Alcohol-Free Series
  2. Freedom from Addiction Series
  3.  Healing Meditations for Abuse Survivors
  4. PTSD Recovery Series
  5. Smoking Cessation Series


  1.  Autism – The Children’s Opportunity for Brilliance
  2. Enlightened Children Series
  3. Optimizing Your Children’s Inner Potential
MindFit Earphones

In the earphones, you’ll hear relaxing sound pulses and Dr. Patrick Porter’s affirming messages. But that’s not all! Precise light frequencies strategically directed in the ear help calm the nervous system and relax muscles. After just twenty minutes, serenity and balance can be yours.


  1. BioDensity Support
  2. Body Wrap Solutions4 Series
  3. Candida Healing Breakthrough
  4. Gluten-Free Lifestyle
  5. Lip-Light Ultimate Body Contouring Program
  6. Neuropathy Breakthrough Program
  7. Rejuvenation Program
  8. Knee Pain Relief


  1. Coping with Cancer Series
  2. Diabetes (Type 1) Active Lifestyle Plan
  3. Freedom from Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  4. Mental Coaching for hCG Phase I & II Success
  5. Heart Healthy Lifestyles
  6. Insomnia Solutions Series
  7. Natural Lyme Relief Breakthrough
  8. Medical Recovery Series
  9. Mind-Over-Menopause Series
  10. Nutritional Support Series
  11. Pain-Free Lifestyle Series
  12. Phobia Relief Series
  13. Stress-Free Childbirth
  14. Stress-Free Dentistry Series
  15. Vibrant Health Series


  1. Accelerated Learning Series
MindFit stress defeat

How will you defeat the ravages of stress? Doctors today know we are all suffering from a new kind of stress never before seen in human history. Fortunately, in one twenty-minute MindFit session, you can achieve the relaxation response, a state known for conquering stress – which makes MindFit a no-brainer for home health maintenance.


  1. Better Life Me
  2. Blue Sky – Pro. Airline Series
  3. Brain Fitness Series
  4. Chiropractic Support Series
  5. Finding Love & Building Winning Relationships
  6. Stress Reduction


  1. Blue Chip Basketball
  2. Mental Coaching for Golf
  3. SportZoneTM Series


  1. Wealth Consciousness Series


  1. Weight Loss Series
