Meet Evie Noel

Certified Lifestyle Consultant

Evie Marie Noel was born and raised in Michigan. She worked in the restaurant industry for 25 years.

Evie struggled with low blood sugar and obesity most of her life. She had all the bad habits of the average American – eating at all times of the day and night along with every meal, eating fast food because she was always on the go, drinking pop and coffee like it was going out of style, staying up late, and watching stressful movies. These habits resulted in symptoms of fungus and parasites.

In 2008, she was told by her doctor she had thyroid problems and was 80 lbs. overweight. This is when it was blatantly evident that the lifestyle she was living was not conducive with how God had intended her life to be. Finally, she decided to do something about it.New Service: LBDirect Program

Evie is taking appointments for Friday, September 16th. 
Evie will be available on Fridays of the second full week each month from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Call Evie for an appointment at Health, Naturally – 989-312-4518

Evie started going to Biochemist/Lifestyle consultant Donald Gene Krause where she learned about the four basic instructions of a healthy lifestyle. Through the LBDirect lifestyle program, she discovered that she must take time for herself or her body would eventually break down.

Through perseverance and strength from her Father above, Evie achieved her goal weight and gained an understanding of how important her body is. People were amazed at her transformation. She continued the LBDirect lifestyle program for 8 years.

Finding that sugar problems are very difficult to master and a non-stop battle of the mind, Evie learned how to grow and use herbal aids and remedies to combat her health issues. In addition, she discovered that food is not the most important source of energy and learned how to eat, sleep, drink plenty of water, and breath correctly.

She discovered so much about how her body works that Evie was compelled to tell her friends and family about herbal aids. They, too, started seeing results. Finding great joy in seeing people gain knowledge of their bodies and healthy living, she decided to become a student of Bio-chemist Don Kraus, where she was taught the basics of the LBDirect lifestyle program, how the body works and how healthy lifestyle progress can be measured.


I, Biochemist/Nutritional Consultant, Donald Gene Krause, have certified Evie Marie Noel as a Certified Lifestyle Consultant, having understanding of the LBDirect Training manual material; is skilled testing urine/saliva; is well able to counsel and encourage others into a better Lifestyle.

– Donald Gene Krause, Bio-chemist/Nutritional Consultant

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