Healthy Boundaries
Date(s) - 05/11/2019
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
808 W. Lake St., Tawas, MI 48763
Hi Everyone,
Hope this find you well on your journey. It has recently come to my attention how important it is to fortify our boundaries and to be exceedingly clear with our intentions. You are invited to come for exploration and discovery of how to work with your own boundaries on multiple levels. I look forward to seeing you soon in Tawas where the Great Lake Huron (our local inverted Apu) supports our work so beautifully.
Peace and blessings,
Come explore your boundaries from a shamanic perspective by the BAY!
- Learn about boundaries on 4 levels; physical, emotional, mental, & energetic
- Explore what makes boundaries compromised or weak
- Examine strategies to create strong boundaries
- Experience how boundaries can be disrupted and repaired
- Clarify the role of ethics and intent in the context of strong & beautiful boundaries